How To Maintain an Erection After Putting on A Condom?

Sex with a condom

Studies show that 40% of young men experience erectile issues while using condoms.

But don’t worry, as long as you choose the right type of condom, master the proper technique for putting it on, and maintain a positive mindset, it won’t affect your erection, and you can still enjoy long-lasting sex.

How To Wear a Condom without Affecting Your Erection?

One moment ago, your erection is perfect, but the next, as soon as you put on the condom, the penis becomes soft. This condition is officially known as “Condom-Associated Erection Problems” (CAEP).

A small rubber condom can make you feel anxious and leave her disappointed. But for the sake of contraception or health, not wearing it is not an option. What should you do?

Here are a few simple tips to help maintain your erection after putting on a condom.

Tip 1: Choose the Right Size Condom to Enhance Pleasure

Condom size selection

If the condom size is not suitable, it can significantly impact the quality of your sex life. A condom that is too tight or too loose may affect penile sensitivity, sexual pleasure, blood flow to the erectile tissue, and even a man’s sexual confidence.

Therefore, the key is to find a condom that fits your penis perfectly.

Compare the chart above to find the condom size that best fits your penis.

You can measure the width and length of your penis for accuracy. If your penis is on the thinner side, opt for a snugger condom; if it’s thicker, go for a standard or extra-wide fit.

So, don’t be casual or shy when buying condoms. Pay close attention to the size indicated on the packaging. Also, take your time to measure the penis’s girth and length accurately, then try different sizes to find the one that fits you best.

As for testing condoms, if you’re worried about affecting the quality of sex, you can try wearing one during masturbation to see how it feels. If it’s comfortable, stock up so you’re ready to use it when the moment comes.

Condoms like Okamoto Zero Zero Four and Durex Invisible are ultra-thin for a great sensation, while brands like MyONE offer custom sizing for a perfect fit.

Choosing the right-sized condom not only makes sex healthier and safer, but also more passionate and sensual.

Tip 2: Use Lubricant Properly

Lubricated condoms

During sex, both men and women fear dryness. If you’re concerned about dryness, you can drop a few drops of water-based lubricant inside the condom before putting it on. This will make penetration smoother, reduce friction, enhance sensitivity, and help avoid the awkward situation of losing erection when wearing a condom.

Don’t overlook the role of lubricant in your sex activities. Unless you’re having sex in water, it’s best to choose a water-based lubricant. Proper use of lubricant not only prevents dry friction, making each penetration smoother, but also helps reduce the anxiety of “unplanned pregnancies” and “sexually transmitted infections” caused by condom breakage.

It can be said that although condoms are small, they can significantly enhance the quality of sexual life.

Tip 3: Practice using condoms during masturbation.

Most people only wear condoms during sex, and the unfamiliar feeling or improper fit of the condom may cause discomfort for the penis.

So, some men may experience the issue of “losing erection when wearing a condom.”

How can this be solved? You can try wearing a condom while masturbating to give your penis more opportunities to become familiar with the sensation of wearing one.

Masturbation with condom

Treat masturbation as an opportunity to test condoms. Try different types and sizes—ribbed condoms, ultra-thin condoms, textured condoms, or those with spiral patterns—and see which one enhances your sensation the most.

This will help your penis find the most suitable condom and become accustomed to the feeling of wearing one, reducing the likelihood of your penis softening during intercourse.

Tip 4: Focus on your breathing to stay relaxed.

If you experience too much psychological pressure during sex, it can affect your ability to maintain an erection. This is because when you’re anxious, blood flow to the penis is reduced.

The solution is simple: focus entirely on deep breathing and relaxation. Breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth to keep your mind calm and your body relaxed. This will allow your penis to naturally become erect.


So, if you feel mental pressure during condom use or sex next time, clear your mind and focus on deep breathing. Don’t compare yourself to the performers in adult films, as male actors often take performance-enhancing drugs before filming.

Tip 5: Practice daily meditation to appreciate your penis.

Penis Meditation

Most men have an extreme view of their penis during sex—either it’s a success or a failure. What they don’t realize is that this mindset can severely impact their confidence and create unnecessary stress.

Engage in penis appreciation meditation by imagining the healthy state of your penis. This guided practice can help you gain better control over your body, foster mental well-being regarding sex, and overcome the shame associated with erectile dysfunction or mid-intercourse impotence.

Spend five minutes each day meditating on the state of your penis as an act of self-care. It will help reduce anxiety, allow you to approach sex with more confidence, and alleviate the issue of losing erection mid-intercourse.

Tip 6: Practice Kegel exercises to improve blood flow.

Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises aren’t just for women—they are also one of the solutions for men to address erection issues.

This exercise strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, which directly control blood flow to the penis and erections. The stronger the pelvic floor muscles, the better the control during sex and the longer the duration.

Start with 10 sets, holding and contracting your pelvic muscles like you’re stopping urination or tightening your anus for three seconds, then relax. Increase by three sets each day.

Tip 7: Practice how to put on a condom.

How to put on a condom

For many men, wearing a condom during sex can cause mental pressure or awkwardness, which can lead to erectile dysfunction.

So, how can this problem be sovled?

There is only one way—practice more!

Go to a supermarket or pharmacy and buy a box of condoms to start practicing and getting used to them on your own. It’s even better if your sexual partner (wife/girlfriend) joins in, as that will be closer to a real-life scenario.

When choosing condoms, try different sizes and textures to find the one that feels most comfortable on your penis. As for putting it on, experiment with different methods—using your own hands, having your girlfriend use her hands or mouth, or adding a drop of lubricant inside the condom. Keep exploring until you find the way you like best.

By repeatedly practicing and experimenting, your body and mind will fully adapt, and condoms will no longer be an obstacle to maintaining an erection.

Why Penis Can’t Maintain an Erection after Wearing a Condom?

Wear a condom

Many couples believe that condoms reduce sexual pleasure. Not only do men psychologically resist them, but women also feel that wearing a condom during sex decreases vaginal sensation and lubrication.

But what is the real issue?

When your brain and body reject the condom, it can affect erectile function. Factors like an ill-fitting size, friction, or anxiety can all lower your sexual desire.

Reason 1 : Reduced stimulation of the penis

From a physiological perspective, condoms reduce stimulation to the penis. With that thin layer of latex, you may notice subtle changes in friction and temperature during sex.

For men who are more sensitive in their penis, this may not be much of an issue, and wearing a condom can actually help prolong their sexual performance.

Reason 2 : Size issues

Wearing a condom that doesn’t fit properly is one of the reasons for erectile dysfunction.

If a condom is too tight, it can restrict blood flow to the penis like a rubber band, making it difficult to maintain an erection.

If a condom is too loose, it may move back and forth during sex, disrupting the sensation.

Reason 3 : Psychological Pressure

Once you start worrying about whether you can maintain an erection, you’ve already set yourself up for failure. Anxiety raises cortisol levels, which in turn restricts blood flow to the penis.

Reason 4 : Disrupt the rhythm and atmosphere of making love.

Atmosphere and rhythm are essential for a fulfilling sexual experience.

If you’re in a heat moment during sex and suddenly stop to put on a condom, it’s like slamming the brakes in the middle of a race. Your body and mind become completely out of sync, and by the time the condom is on, the passion and intensity may already be lost.

The impact is even greater if the condom is far away, which requires you to walk back and forth to get it.

Reason 5 : Negative Association

If you’ve ever had an unpleasant sex experience using a condom, such as losing your erection or penis softening instantly after putting it on, your brain will store these disappointing memories.

The next time you have sex with a condom, you might find yourself asking, “What if my penis softens again?”

Reason 6 : Think Too Much

Sex is one of the most primal physiological impulses. Don’t overthink comfort, whether it affects your erection, or if the condom will break during intercourse. The more you analyze and worry, the less pleasure you’ll feel during sex, until the sensation fades completely.

Reason 7 : Lack of Foreplay

Foreplay is essential when it comes to sex. If your sexual desire hasn’t been fully awakened yet when you put on a condom, it’s inevitable that you might lose your erection.

For most men, if the penis hasn’t been adequately stimulated, it’s best not to rush into putting on a condom. Focus on more foreplay to fully arouse yourself first, and only put on the condom once you’re fully erect.

Reason 8 : Hormonal Fluctuations

Testosterone levels naturally fluctuate throughout the day, and factors such as stress, lack of sleep, or alcohol can make erections more difficult. If your hormones are imbalanced, you may find it harder to maintain an erection, especially when the extra friction from a condom is involved.

Reason 9 : Latex Allergy

Some men are allergic to latex, and even mild irritation can cause discomfort, itching, or a burning sensation.

Condom-related Erectile Issues and The Impact

Penis is flaccid when wearing a condom

If wearing a condom leads to erectile dysfunction, it can significantly affect the quality of sexual life and the relationship between partners. It may even cause men to lose confidence and doubt their sexual abilities. Moreover, the more frequently this situation occurs, the greater the impact it has.

Next, let’s analyze the real impact of condom-related erectile problems (CAEP).

1. Physiological Effects

  • Rejection of condoms leading to risky behavior: When condoms affect a man’s erection, it can create a sense of aversion, making him reluctant to wear one during intercourse. So this action may increase the risk of sexually transmitted infections or unintended pregnancies.
  • Impact of sexual arousal: If the situation of “softening upon wearing” occurs frequently, it can disrupt the natural erection response. Over time, this can develop into a conditioned reflex, making it more difficult to maintain an erection during intercourse.
  • Physical tension and discomfort: The stress caused by difficulty in achieving an erection can lead to muscle tension and irregular breathing.

2. Emotional Impact

  • Decline in sexual confidence: Repeated difficulty with erections can lead to doubts about your sexual ability and overall health.
  • Sexual anxiety: Each sexual encounter feels like a test rather than an enjoyable experience.
  • Emotional Distance: When sexual life becomes uncoordinated, the emotional connection between spouses gradually fades.

3. Psychological impact

  • Negative psychological conditioning: If your brain starts associating condoms with sexual failure, it can create a vicious cycle of erectile dysfunction.
  • Decreased focus during sex: Your mind shifts from focusing on sexual pleasure to worrying about “what if penis softens again?”
  • Cognitive dissonance and guilt: You desire a harmonious sexual experience, but feelings of frustration and self-doubt continually pull you in the opposite direction.

4. Relationship Impact

  • Communication barrier: The more nervous you are, the harder it becomes to speak, which leads to deeper misunderstandings and avoidance.
  • Mutual dissatisfaction: Your partner might internalize the issue, questioning whether they are not attractive enough.
  • Fear of rejection or judgment: When erectile dysfunction becomes a regular issue, the fear of “failing” again can prevent you from even starting a sexual relationship.

5. Long-term effects on sexual health

  • Dislike of sex: When each sexual encounter makes you feel embarrassed, your desire for intimacy is likely to diminish.
  • Disruption of sexual identity: Erectile difficulties can lead you to question your masculinity, attractiveness, and even your own body.
  • Delaying professional help: Many men are reluctant to see a doctor or visit a sexual health clinic, believing the issue will “resolve on its own.” However, time alone does not change underlying psychological conditions.

To address CAEP and other erectile dysfunction issues, avoidance isn’t the solution. Instead, you need to help your body gradually get used to the presence of condoms. The condom itself is not the problem; it’s simply a part of sexual activity that requires acceptance.

At the same time, you should understand that sexual activity doesn’t have to involve “penile penetration” alone. If you’re unable to maintain an erection, you can try oral sex or use sex toys to satisfy her, which can also lead to intense orgasms. Don’t give up on sex or your relationship just because of erectile issues.


Is it normal for a condom not to stay in place at the base of the penis?

That’s not normal. If your condom keeps slipping off, it may be too large or you might not have rolled it down completely. A properly fitting condom should stay snug at the base of the penis.

Should the lubricant on a condom be applied inside or outside?

Ideally, both sides should be used. Most condoms come pre-lubricated on the outside for easier insertion, but the inside tends to be drier. That’s why adding a drop of water-based lubricant inside can help mimic the vagina’s natural lubrication.

What is the difference between having sex with or without a condom?

As long as the condom fits properly and you’re in the right mindset, you will barely notice a difference during sex.

If wearing a condom feels uncomfortable, it’s usually due to improper sizing, insufficient lubrication, or the need for improved technique. Additionally, using a condom eliminates the fear of sexually transmitted infections or unwanted pregnancies.

Can an incorrect condom size cause erection problems?

Of course. Too tight = restricted blood flow. Too loose = reduced pleasure. In either case, your sexual experience will be greatly reduced, and erectile problems may follow.

How can I put on a condom smoothly without distracting myself?

Don’t treat putting on a condom as an awkward pause. Keep condoms nearby as part of foreplay, or let your partner put it on with their hands (or mouth). Be confident when wearing it, because when used correctly, it can make your sex life more enjoyable and harmonious.

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